Monday, September 12, 2011

A little white sliver of Hope

When I got to the hospital this am my mom told me that Levi's eye was a little bit more open than it had been. Now, if you know my mom, you would know that she sometimes makes things sound bigger or better than they actually are, so I was doubtful that I would see any significant difference (sorry mom, but I love this about you). But she wasn't kidding, Levi's eye has opened just the slightest bit. Wow!!! Really??? I had started to give up hope.

It's funny, cause the other day after I found out about his need for surgery I was praying for Levi and asking God for yet another miracle . . . Lord, open that eye . . tomorrow . . . So the next day when Levi's eye was still closed, I accepted that Levi's eye wasn't going to open and God wasn't choosing to perform a miracle in this situation. I still don't know what the outcome of his eye will be and if he will be able to open it by the time of the surgery, but I do know that I realized how silly I was to constrain God to my time frame. I wanted that miracle and I wanted it NOW. But like so many things in our lives, God has His timing and usually during the moment, it seems like God isn't answering or hearing us, but after we pass through, we are able to look back and see the Hand of God in more powerful ways then we could have even asked for. He knows what is best for us, even when we do not understand it or like it.

So, I'll continue to pray for the miracle it would be if Levi's eye opens, but I'll do so remembering who the God is that I am praying to. He is our loving Father who is our Creator and knows exceeding more about what is best for us than we do AND has the power to do all things. So pray with me, pray that we see more of who God is during this process and that we gain a deeper understanding of how much he loves us as we see God working in Levi's life and yours too.



  1. Praying for your sweet family!
    Kelly V.

  2. I am continuing to pray for a full recovery as I have been from the get go! I watched this show on life after death and the people who have witnessed heaven. After seeing it , it makes you realize how big God really is and how little our problems are...if we were in heaven asking God to give Levi back his eye, do you think he would say no? of course not! Why would God want that for Levi. It gives me more faith knowing the awesomness of God because it's so easy to think of God in earthly terms and earthly limits. Kara, I totally understand where you are coming from. =-) Thinking of you guys all the time.....

  3. praying for Levi and his precious eye. God is a God of miracles. and i remember reading on your blog about EXPECTING miracles. i am praying with you. anjuli

  4. We will pray with you! Thanks for your vulnerability. God sure has used Levi's story to open many eyes!
    Love you!

  5. Oh Kara, that is fantastic! praying with you guys for miracles... love you! (bec)

  6. Hi Kara,

    The prayer team at NCCC is continuing to pray for Levi and your family.

    God loves you so much!

    Terri Franklin

  7. Haaaay! I posted a comment on here yesterdy and it never appeared...let's try that again...
    Thanks so much for keeping us up to date not only on Levi's journey but also on your journey with God. It is so inspiring/encouraging to see/hear the things that God is teaching you. Your sharing benefits so many as we are not only able to join in the prayers for Levi's healing but we are also able to join in your journey of drawing closer to God, depending on Him more and remembering that His timing and ways are so much bigger/better than ours. We love you, Kara and Dan (and Levi & Kade!)-- Monica & Elliot

  8. kara, thanks for sharing your precious wisdom,such perspective on life. We are praying for Levi and look forward to his healing... in God's timing :) Loves, me
