Tuesday, August 9, 2011

it is only tuesday.

In the middle of the night last night, while I was not sleeping, I was thinking about the fact that when I got up to face the day it was only Tuesday. Really? Only Tuesday? We have 3 more days until surgery day. I am trying not to focus on the long road ahead, but focus on the day at hand, but when we have Friday's surgery pending, that's proving to be tough.

Levi slept well last night and he is back to the sweet thing that he is. He got to eat pancakes and LOTS of chocolate milk for breakfast. He is on a steroid (Decadron) to reduce inflammation in his brain, but a side effect is that it causes hunger, so being able to say yes when he asks for food has made keeping him comfortable much easier.

Early this a.m. we got to speak with the Endocrinology team (hormones). This was reassuring because we learned that his function is "normal" now and that even with extensive damage that may be caused from surgery, much if not all can be corrected via medications. So, going to cross this worry off my list.

We got to speak with Dr. Weingarten today the resident neurosurgeon that has been on his case who had reviewed Monday's MRI results. Gaining an understanding of what the reality of the tumor is, was satisfying to my intellect but traumatizing to my heart. I wanted to hear him say that this tumor would be no prob job and that we're good to go. Instead, I heard that beyond the previous concern that we had for further damage to the optical nerves is the location of the tumor in relation to "Circle of Willis" vascular structures that have the 4 major life giving structures/arteries that connect and serve the brain. Oh. Hmm. Scary. Not what I wanted to hear at all. Not at all. So troops, this can be a focus of prayer. That the surgeon would be able to remove 100% of the tumor without any damage to these vital structures.

I also got a little clarification of the type of tumor this is and how it rates on the cancer spectrum, which was a curiosity of mine. It is considered a low grade malignant tumor. Meaning that the ability for it to spread within the brain tissue itself is minimal, but rather it encapsulates around these structures. So really, if you're gonna get a tumor, it's one of the better ones to have.

Driving home last night I was reflecting on the surreal feeling of being literally held up and supported by all of you. Without you, I realized I would be crumbling. Thank you for the scriptures some of you have shared. One that was particularly helpful was from a dear friend's mom, who herself has battled cancer twice. Psalm 94:19 - "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul."


  1. Kara,
    my heart and tears go out to your family. I work with little ones like levi and it is never easy. the anticipation the wait all the unknowns. I am glad you are in a good hospital that will give you the best care. my thoughts will be with you and your little guy this week.

  2. Saw this on a friend's blog. Praying for your sweet little boy. He's absolutely precious. Positive thoughts and feelings can do wonders. And it wouldn't hurt to rub a little Frankincense on his head where the tumor is. There's a reason the wise men brought it to the baby Jesus. It can help repair damaged cells and kill cells that are irrepairable!

  3. Kara, we are aching for you and also have thoughts of hope because we know our God heals. C3 is 2 1/2yrs old and I'll be praying with a mother's heart for you, levi and family. Children are stronger than we know and my prayer for levi is that he is comfortable and treated gently by the nurses so that it appears more like a brief adventure then a hospital stay. Hope that makes sense. Thank you for the verse on anxiousness, it hit home in our family. Prayers are with you. Love, Misty

  4. A friend posted the link to this, and I just wanted to stop by to encourage you! We are praying for your family! Stay strong. God is powerful.

  5. Hello Kara, I'm just another friend of a friend, but wanted to make sure that you knew that you and Levi were in the hearts and thoughts of many, many concerned people. Keep us posted on what happens and we'll keep the positive energy flowing back to you and Levi.

  6. I don't know you or your family but I hold you in prayer. May God wrap his healing arms around Levi and may he touch your soul to provide both you and Dan peace. Stay strong, you are not alone and you have many people praying for you all. ♥

  7. Hearing that his tumor has minimal chance of spreading is wonderful news in the midst of a storm! Praying for steady hands for the surgeon and a peaceful heart for you and your husband.

  8. Been praying for you guys all day and trusting the Lord will carry you all through this. Love you! --Ali M.

  9. I saw this link on facebook- I knew Dan in Ocean City a lot of years ago. When I saw your story my heart aches for you and your family. I just gathered with my husband and 2 1/2 year old son who sincerely prayed for "Levi and his bo bo". We will be praying.

    In Him, Katie Richerson Gillaspy

  10. Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous fall.
    Praying for you guys! Glad Levi's in good hands. Love you buddy.

  11. Kara, my heart has been aching since I heard the news. I have been praying, praying, praying...I love you guys.


  12. Praying for the specifics you shared. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. Love!!

  13. Thank you for the update, we love you friend... and we will continue to pray until you are through this season.... xoxo to you all, especially little Levi :)

  14. Kara,
    I am inspired by your courage and faith and know that God is with you and your family, we will be faithfully praying for your son and his surgery. We pray that you continue to feel God's amazing presence and love.

  15. You guys are never far from my thoughts....and prayers. I know this week must seem forever. Praying for a rapid recovery and complete health and healing for Levi. Peace for you all in the midst of this. And I know a multitude of others are praying the same.
    Karen Watson

    God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
    Psalm 46:1

  16. I am so thankful that I saw this FB post. Your in-laws are our friends. Your entire family and the medical team are in our prayers!

  17. I too saw this post on FB and our prayers go out to your family and the doctors. As a mother of two little ones I can't even imagine what you are going through. Your strength is encouraging.

  18. Kara and Dan- you and sweet Levi are constantly in our thoughts and countless prayers are whispered for you throughout the day. We love you guys.
